Posts by Reid Traditional Schools
Meet Your Teacher Wednesday, August 5th, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
7 Signs that School is Almost Here All the hall floors are freshly waxed. There are list-holding crowds in all the School Supplies aisles. Classroom bulletin boards are artfully decorated again. Your kids try on their school shoes from last year and none of them fit! You claimed all your prizes from Summer Reading Programs.…
Read MoreSpring Brings Exciting Events
The last few weeks of the school year are full of excitement! Here are a few of the events that have filled our calendar recently: [twocol_one] Miss McMillan sported a different kind of style at an assembly as a reward for the students’ outstanding Boosterthon participation: she hosted the assembly in a turkey suit! At…
Read MoreStudents Run in Boosterthon
Painted Rock Academy’s first Boosterthon event was a huge success. The students paraded around the field in classroom groups then ran as many as 35 laps to the cheers of their classmates, teachers and parents. We are grateful to PROP and to the many Painted Rock families for making this a fun and successful fundraiser. …
Read MoreNational Junior Honor Society Chapter Opened at PRA
National Junior Honor Society has arrived at Painted Rock Academy! Last week the newest chapter of NJHS inducted its first members at PRA. Membership is open to those students who maintain a 3.0 average; who exemplify leadership, service, and respect for others and their community; and who are in 6th grade (spring semester), 7th…
Read MorePRA Students Are Thankful
PROP hosted another successful Family Fun Night in conjunction with “Sir Readalot” Book Fair last month. One of the activities encouraged students to write what they are thankful for on a colorful paper leaf that was then displayed on a tree in the multipurpose room. Many children expressed thanks for family members and friends. Some…
Read MoreNew “Hawks’ Nest” Area Opened
Cuyler Reid, one of Reid Traditional Schools’ founders, and her sister, Linda Voorhees, painted this mural to create a nice dining area for the students. Stop by the Kindergarten hallway to see it in person. Thank you both for this nice artwork.
Read More“A” Rating Awarded to Painted Rock Academy – Again!
The report card on Painted Rock Academy is in, and we earned A rating – again! The Arizona Department of Education letter grades for the 2013-14 school year have been announced, and, as always, Reid Traditional Schools’ Painted Rock Academy and Reid Traditional Schools’ Valley Academy both received an “A” letter grade. In our organization’s…
Read More2014-15 Enrollment Is Open
Painted Rock Academy has a limited number of openings in some grade levels for new students. If you are looking for enrollment in the 2014-2015 school year,we would like to work with your family to help your child receive all the benefits a traditional education has to offer. For more information, call Reid Traditional Schools at…
Read MoreConstruction Update Part Six: Finishing Touches
Finishing Touches Before the First Students Arrive As we all know, the students’ favorite part of the day is recess, and what better place to spend it than on a brand new playground? There are multiple places to slide, swing, and climb on this equipment. Wood chips will soften any unexpected hard landings. The classrooms…
Read More5th Graders Create Native American Dwelling Models
Ms. Scrips’ fifth graders exhibited their crafty side while learning about different cultures, making models of North American Native American dwellings. Great work, students!
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