The student body set the mood for the upcoming Winter Break with their inaugural Winter Concert. Thank you to Mr. Raetz and all our talented students for the delightful program!
Read MoreHappy Thanksgiving To Our Painted Rock Academy Families! [twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] Thank you to PROP for the beautiful tree created on Family Fun Night. The students and their guests all had the opportunity to write what they are thankful for on a leaf and place it on the tree on the MPR wall. Congratulations on a…
Read MoreRibbon Cutting and Grand Opening Ceremony at Painted Rock Academy, August 9, 2013 [twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] Excitement ran high as the parents, faculty, staff, board members, and business partners of Painted Rock Academy waited for the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to begin. Surely no one anticipated this evening with more pride than the Reid…
Read MoreHappy Feet! Fresh Surfaces for Running and Playing Basketball [twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] A few weeks ago this lush, green play field was a cracked parking lot. Sprinklers will keep this fresh sod green and growing over the summer awaiting the arrival of the hundreds of students already enrolled. [twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] The new basketball court replaces old…
Read MoreReid Traditional Schools’ Painted Rock Academy is proud to announce the selection of the school’s founding principal. Mrs. Leslie Szostak has been named to the post, continuing her six-year relationship with Valley Academy and Reid Traditional Schools. Mrs. Szostak served as Principal at Valley Academy for four years until her retirement in 2010. For the…
Read More[fivecol_three][/fivecol_three] [fivecol_two_last] What used to be a wide expanse of open space has been subdivided into classrooms, a multi-purpose room, offices, and all the other facilities that make up a school. Add a drywall and paint and a main hallway takes shape, just waiting for a long line of smiling children to pass through. [/fivecol_two_last]…
Read More[twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] Once a week Reid Traditional Schools’ replication team gets together with DL Withers Construction to oversee the progress of the Painted Rock Academy building project. These “hard hat meetings” take place on site, often at the folding tables at right, and always include a tour of the project inside and out. [twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last]…
Read More[twocol_one][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last] An elementary school doesn’t need nearly as much parking as a corporate office, and corporate employees don’t get to go outside and play! Refiguring the landscape to meet our students’ desire to run and jump started with removing the existing parking areas along the southeast corner of the property. The resulting smooth surface…
Read MoreContact: Nancy Hamel, D.L. Withers Construction 3220 E. Harbour Drive, Phoenix, Arizona 85034 Phone: (602) 438-9500, [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Reid Traditional Schools Begins Construction of its Second Traditional K-8 Charter School The second school in the Reid Traditional Schools family, Painted Rock Academy, is now under construction near Greenway Road and the Black…
Read MoreHow much room does it take to build a school for over 700 students? Reid Traditional School believes 80,000+ square feet will do the trick! That’s the size of the building recently purchased to house the new Painted Rock Academy and Reid Traditional Schools offices. You can see from the pictures below that the interior…
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