Posts by Reid Traditional Schools
Charting a Course for High School – Together!
The path beyond 8th grade is clear and sunny for RTS Painted Rock Academy students. Painted Rock Academy and its sister school, RTS Valley Academy, recently hosted their annual High School Information Nights. Representatives from many area high schools came to introduce their programs, hoping to impress our outstanding students and their families. Former Reid…
Read MoreBoosterthon is Underway!
Painted Rock Academy’s largest fundraiser of the year is happening now! Friday’s Pep Rally kicked off the event, and students are now collecting pledges for the laps they will complete in the Fun Run on Friday, October 7th (usually about 30-35 laps). Our goal is to raise $20,000 to provide more shade structures on campus.…
Read MoreSpalding Phonogram App Is Another Study Option
Phonogram review goes portable with the new Spalding Phonogram apps for IOS and Android! Make good use of those little pockets of time with your child to review the week’s phonograms on the go, or use the app at home as part of your nightly homework routine. The app costs only $3.99. For more details,…
Read MoreCurriculum Night Schedule Announced
Curriculum nights are coming up over the next few weeks. This is a chance for parents to learn more about the curriculum that will be taught to their children this year. Due to time and space constraints, children should not attend. The teachers will also explain classroom rules and expectations including homework, discipline policy, and…
Read MoreLacrosse Arrives at Painted Rock!
This fall, Painted Rock Academy students in third through eighth grades will be playing lacrosse in PE. Coach Teri Hunt applied for and received a grant from US Lacrosse, giving the school a full set of equipment including a net, 30 lacrosse sticks, balls, and a curriculum manual. “The kids are so excited about lacrosse,”…
Read MoreNational Junior Honor Society Inducts New Members
Three new members were inducted to Painted Rock Academy’s chapter of National Junior Honor Society yesterday. Congratulations to both new and old members. You are examples to our school of the five pillars of NJHS: scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Thank you to the NJHS faculty sponsors for an inspirational induction ceremony.
Read MoreBoosterthon Results in More Shade for Students
Look what’s new! Thanks to the PRA Boosterthon and other fundraisers, more shade covering has been added to the playground area over the picnic tables. Great job, PROP! A special thanks goes to all the students who enlisted sponsors for the Boosterthon. Enjoy lounging in the new shade!
Read MoreReminder: Staggered Early Release Pickup in Effect for Thursday and Friday
Thursday and Friday, October 22nd and 23rd, will be early release days for parent/teacher conferences. The traffic congestion on campus will be very heavy. Our first staggered release was such a success, we will be using that method again this week and will be releasing students according to their grade level. Please see below for…
Read MoreEarly Release Staggered Schedule Announced
Next Friday, September 18th is our first EARLY RELEASE of the school year. The traffic congestion on campus will be very heavy. In an effort to alleviate this traffic, we are implementing a staggered release schedule. We will be releasing students according to their grade level. Please see below for the dismissal times for students.…
Read MoreCurriculum Nights Kick Off School Year
The school year is in full swing, with Curriculum Nights coming up August 25, 26, and 27. This is the parents’ best opportunity to learn more about the curriculum that will be taught this year. Teachers also explain classroom rules and expectations, homework and discipline policies, special activities and other vital information. Because space…
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