Homeroom Parent – This person helps the teacher in their students classroom plan 3 parties throughout the year as well as make a poster for Staff Appreciation Week. This person helps communicate with families the needs for the grade level basket and booth for Spring Fling and also distributes the Staff Interest Survey to parents that allows them to know the teacher’s interests, hobbies, and classroom needs.
Classroom Communication – This committee is responsible for the coordination of the Homeroom Parent Program. This committee will work with the Special Events committee to facilitate the organization of the grade level basket and booth for Spring Fling. In addition, it communicates with the teachers to help facilitate any special academic events such as Spelling Bee and Geography Bee.
Volunteer Communication – This committee is responsible for representing PROP at all PROP and school events, including New Parent Orientation and Meet the Teacher Night and assisting with directing parents on the first day of school. It is also responsible for planning quarterly volunteer recognition events, keeping track of volunteer contact info, volunteer hours and communication with volunteers to help properly staff PROP and Painted Rock Academy events.
Special Events – This committee is responsible for planning the Fall and Spring Festivals. These fun events are a way to build community with students, parents and school. The members of this committee collaborate on types of booths, event theme and general running of the event including flyer distribution, donation solicitation and volunteer coordination. This committee works with other school groups to help facilitate the organization of the Winter Dance.
Athletics – This committee assists the P.E. Coach with Turkey Trot and Field Days by providing volunteers to assist with these outdoor events as well as ordering ribbons and other supplies. Additionally, this committee coordinates volunteers to provide water for student athletes and run fundraisers at each home game to raise money for team needs.
Commission Based Fundraising – This committee oversees the various commission based fundraisers. Responsibilities include maintaining contact with pre-approved fundraisers, submitting box tops, making flyers and posters to promote these ongoing fundraisers. This committee also plans fundraisers at local businesses with responsibilities including scheduling and advertisement of these Family Fun Nights.
Hawk Pride – This committee is in charge of Spirit Day merchandise sales and Used Uniform Resale at any PROP event including Meet the Teacher Night and Fall Festival, in addition to 2 sale days per month. This committee also organizes and sells popsicles for the monthly Spirit Day PROPsicle sale and organizes the Fall Food Drive.
Library/Curriculum Committee – This committee organizes and runs the Fall and Spring Book Fairs as well as the Winter Book Drive. Additionally, this committee reviews books, textbooks and/or videos for the recommended reading list and library shelves, as well as coordinates volunteers for the library as needed.
Student Recognition – This committee is responsible for the Honor Roll Ceremony and Reception. Working with the administration, this committee will provide awards and certificates as well as coordinate volunteers for this event. This committee also manages the quarterly Honor Roll Ice Cream Program and Caught Being Good Program, which recognizes students who are observed exhibiting helpful or kind behavior at school.
Major Fundraising – This committee oversees the Fall product fundraiser, Boosterthon fundraiser, and Harkins Summer Movie Program fundraiser. The responsibilities include coordinating programs with fundraiser company contact, creating flyers and posters to advertise fundraisers, and distributing prizes or products to student participants.
Staff Appreciation: This committee is responsible for planning and implementing the Fall Staff Lunch and Spring Staff Breakfast. The committee plans staff gift or daily staff treats during Staff Appreciation Week, creates a flyer to invite families to participate in week, as well as works with Classroom Communication Committee and Homeroom parents to ensure all staff members receive a poster. The committee prepares a birthday card for each staff member throughout the year.
8th Grade Activities– This committee organizes all 8th grade activities including Field Trip, Class T-Shirt, Dinner, Dance and Promotion. The committee organizes fundraisers to fund these promotion events as well plans dance theme, decorations, and vendors.
Special Events– This committee is responsible for organizing High School Night, which invites local schools to speak with our 7th and 8th grade students, organizes and updates Emergency Lockdown Kits for each classroom, and works with Volunteer Communication Committee to organize volunteers to help with School Picture Days, Kindergarten Screening, Dibels Testing, and Placement Testing.